Unlock the potential of your organisation with our bespoke Neurodiversity Consultancy Package. 

Tailored uniquely for your business, it encompasses, but is not limited to:

Comprehensive Diversity Review

In-depth analysis to understand the current state of neurodiversity within your organisation.

Framework Development

Designing frameworks that ensure inclusivity and support neurodivergent team members.

Policy Implementation & Establishment

Crafting, implementing and establishing robust policies to create a clear, supportive framework for all staff members.

Support for NeURODivergent Staff

Identifying and outlining specific measures to support neurodiversity ensuring everyone is aware of the support available. 

Urgent Support for Business Leaders

Neurodiversity SOS 

Are you in urgent need of support for your business? Perhaps one of your staff members with ADHD, Autism, or Dyslexia requires immediate assistance. Maybe your leaders are unsure how to manage underperformance, or you're facing a disciplinary situation involving a neurodivergent employee. Whatever the urgent issue, we've got your back.

Book a SOS Neurodiversity session today. In just 90 minutes, we'll provide crucial support for your business, answer any questions you may have, and ensure you and your leaders know the next steps to take regarding neurodiversity in your business.

Neurodiversity Consultancy Package

My commitment is to create a bespoke consultancy package that perfectly aligns with your business, individuals, and specific needs. 

As each service is uniquely tailored, please contact me for a comprehensive discussion, allowing us to provide you with a quote that suits your organisation's requirements. 

To learn more about our Neurodiversity Consultancy Package and receive a personalised quote, please email Tamzin to schedule a strategy call. 

Prices start from £500. 

CLICK BELOW FOR OUR FULL LIST OF SERVICES (no email address required)

The Neurodiversity Academy

Tamzin Hall